


英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇一

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What success?

To laugh often and love much;

To win the respect of intelligent people

And the affection of children;

To earn the approbation(认可,嘉许) of honest critics

And endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To give oneself;

To leave the world a little better,

Whether by a healthy child,

A garden patch,

Or a redeemed social condition;

To have played and laughed with enthusiasm

And sung with exultation;(大悦,欢欣)

To know even one life has breathed easier,

Because you have lived……

Th to have succeeded.

英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇二

This poem is about someone whom I deeply cared about. The feelings were never returned, but I learned that with or without his love, I could make it and always remain strong and happy.

Words of wisdom come to my ears,

Telling me what I know in my heart,

But never wanted to hear.

With the truth finally said and out in the open for me to plainly see,

I wonder why I can love so deeply but never had that love returned back to me.

I confessed the feelings that I held inside for so long,

But with his soft- hearted rejection,

I realize I have to be strong.

With tears that want to flow from my eyes,

I feel that my heart, along with my composure, slowly dies.

While this dramatic side is showing through with my ability to question and reason,

I think I may have found something in me that I can believe in.

Love hurts.。.

That's what they all say,

But I will love again when all this pain and sorrow goes away.

So I sit and think of all the things this situation has cost,

And I realize that nothing very important has been lost.

Instead, a learning experience has come from all this.

I've learned that hardly anything is more important than my happiness.

You're listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. No matter who you are, where you are, at the end of today's program, I wish every one of us is learning to be stronger.

英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇三

Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear(磨损);

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden(踩) black.

Oh,I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling th with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood,and I?

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇四

Ode to the Oak

If I fall in love with you—


I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper,


To flaunt myself by your high branches.


If I fall in love with you—


I will never imitate spoony birds,


To repeat simple melody for green shade.


I will not only resemble a wellspring,


To bring you cool consolation perennially;


I will not only resemble steepy mountains,


To increase your altitude or set off your dignified manner.


Even not only sunlight,


Even not only spring rain,


No, these are not enough!


I must be a kapok beside you,


As an image of tree I stand with you.


Our roots hold tightly in the earth,


Our leaves touch gently in the clouds.


As each breeze passes, we salute each other,


But no one understand our own words.


You have your iron trunk and copper branch


Like a knife, a sword and a halberd as well;


I have my red and big flowers,


Like a heavy sigh and a heroic torch as well.


Together we partake cold waves, storms and firebolts;


Together we share fogs, flowing hazes and rainbows,


We seem always apart, but interdependent all life long.


Only this is great love,


Faithfulness lies here:


I love not only your gigantic stature,


But also the position you uphold,


And the earth on which you stand.


英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇五



my father told me not to go

near them

He said he feared them always

and he told me that they

carried him away



I couldn't wait to touch them

to smell them I held them


And now I cannot break away

Their sweet bouquet disappears

like the vapor in the desert

So take a warning ,son

Windflowers ,ancient


their beauty capture every

young dreamer

who lingers near them

But ancient windflowers,

I love you

英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇六

The Pride of Youth

Proud Maisie is in the wood,

Walking so early;

Sweet Robin sits on the bush,

Singing so rarely.

“tell me ,thou bonny bird,

when shall I marry me?”

-“when six braw gentlemen

kirkward shall carry ye.”

“who makes the bridal bed,

birdie, say truly?”

-“The gray-headed sexton

That delves the grave duly.

“The glowworm o’er grave and stone

Shall light thee steady;

The owl from the steeple sing,

Welcome, proud lady.”

英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇七

O Solitude!

O Solitude!


O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell,


Let it not be among the jumbled heap,


Of murky buildings,climb with me the steep,


Nature's observatory- whence the dell,


Its flowery slopes, its river's crystal swell,


May seem a span; let me thy vigils keep,


Mongst boughs pavillion'd, where the deer's swift leap,


Startles the wild bee from the fox-glove bell.


But though I'll gladly trace these scenes with thee,


Yet the sweet converse of an innocent mind,Whose words are images of thoughts refin'd,Is my soul's pleasure,


and it sure must be,Almost the highest bliss of human-kind,


When to thy haunts two kindred spirits flee.


英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇八

When you are old and gray and full ofsleep,

And nodding by the fire, take downth book,

And slowly read, and dream of the softlook your eyes had once,

And of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of gladgrace,

And loved your beauty with love falseor true;

But one man loved the pilgrim soul inyou,

And loved the sorrows of your changingface;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,

Murmur, a littlesadly, how love fled,

And paced upon the mountains overhead,

And hid h face amid a crowd of stars.

英语诗歌朗诵稿 篇九

My last will

---Joe Hill

my will is easy to decide, 我的遗嘱容易确定

For there is nothing to divide. 因为我并无财产分给所爱

My kin don’t need to fuss and moan— 亲人不必抱怨,悲哀---

“Moss does not cling to rolling stone.” “滚石不生苔,我也不聚财”

My body? Oh, if I could choose, 遗体怎么办?---哦,如果还有商量

To ashes I’d let it reduce, 我愿它化为一撮灰烬

And let the merry breeze blow 让欢快的柔风把它轻扬

My dust to where some flowers grow. 吹到鲜花盛开的地方

Perhaps some fading flowers then 也许有些正在凋谢的花儿

Would come to life and bloom again(www.chayi5.com). 会因此复活,重新怒放

This is my last and final will, 这便是我最后的遗愿

Good luck to all of you! 祝你们所有的人幸福安康!


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