


英文的简历 篇一








英文个人简历 篇二

Name: in middle age: 21

Recent work

Public department: XX stock exchange practice

Do industry: financial/investment/securities

Post a: intern of the highest degree

Learn the calendar: ma

Special industry: finance

Learn the school: Beijing university

Self assessment

Life attitude, positive, optimistic upward and courage to face challenges and changes.

Have fast learning and independent thinking; Has his own principles but can the courage to admit his mistake; Ready to active communication; Has the very strong team spirit. Has good innovation consciousness, easy to accept the new thing, adapt to the new environment.


To the time: to be fixed

The nature of work: full-time

Hope industry: financial/investment/securities, the professional service (consulting, human resources), fast moving consumer goods (food, drink, the cosmetics), the bank

The target site: Shanghai, shenzhen, Beijing

Expect salary: negotiable/month

Work experience

20xx/7-20xx/9: XX stock exchange practice (150-500) [2 months]

By sector: financial/investment/securities

Financial product innovation of practice

Research analysis company financial customer background and financial statements, calculates the relevant financial ratios, evaluating the customer risk and business performance, to help customers manager writing loans, credit feasibility report; Attend customer meeting, discuss details with customers to help customers manager for loan company customer for the bank accepts the draft, commercial acceptance of draft, the l/c, guarantee business.

英文的简历 篇三



年 龄: 32

国 籍: 中国

目前所在: 广州

户口所在: 韶关

婚姻状况: 未婚

民 族: 汉族

身 高: 158 cm

体 重: 45 kg


人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 外贸跟单/跟单助理,小学教师,职业技术教师

工作年限: 6

职 称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职

可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 1500~1999元

希望工作地区: 广州


**公司 起止年月:XX-05 ~ XX-01

公司性质: 外商独资 所属行业:教育/培训/院校

担任职位: 英文助教

工作描述: 加拿大国际教育机构,作为一个英文助教,负责协助外教授课,与外教的教学沟通,协助教学备课,一起研讨教学方法,教具准备。学生管理,课前,课中,课后学生辅导,课堂管理,作业布置和批改。学籍管理。并且每个月能够顺利完成招生任务。还需负责好家长沟通这方面工作,提高家长对我校的认可度和知晓度。在这段工作时间,已经很熟悉并能够熟练运用国外英语教学模式上课,把教学内容与游戏很好的结合起来,课堂活跃轻松,让学生在游戏中学习和激发学习英语的兴趣。更注重实际运用英语能力的训练。

离职原因: 个人希望亲自教学

**公司 起止年月:XX-07 ~ XX-05

公司性质: 其它 所属行业:教育/培训/院校

担任职位: 英语辅导老师

工作描述: 办课外英语辅导班,注重听说读写辅导。辅导对象为中小学生,学生进步很大,之前对英语不感兴趣发展到热爱英语,主动学习英语,并且考试成绩和英语综合运用能力提高显著。


**公司 起止年月:XX-03 ~ XX-07

公司性质: 事业单位 所属行业:教育/培训/院校

担任职位: 英语老师

工作描述: 担任小学六年级英语教学,升中考试成绩突出,得到学校领导的赞许。


**公司 起止年月:XX-02 ~ XX-02

公司性质: 民营企业 所属行业:贸易/消费/制造/营运

担任职位: 业务跟单

工作描述: 负责内外销售业务, 筹备、参与展会,开发跟进新老客户,洽谈业务,合同签订,生产跟进,处理好各生产相关事宜,交货货款,后续跟进等一系列工作。熟悉操作网上销售平台,如阿里巴巴,b2b等电子商务平台。在公司期间表现突出,业绩优秀。性格:乐观开朗,诚实守信,为人友善,积极进取,稳重认真,工作踏实勤恳,善于合作沟通。



毕业院校: 茂名学院

最高学历: 大专 获得学位: 毕业日期: XX-07

专 业 一: 商务文秘 专 业 二: 小学教育

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

XX-09 XX-07 茂名学院(广州校区) 商务文秘 大学四级证书 中级秘书证


外语: 英语 优秀 粤语水平: 优秀


国语水平: 优秀




XX年2月--XX年2月 广州天勤贸易有限公司,负责内外销售业务, 筹备、参与展会,开发跟进新老客户,洽谈业务,合同签订,生产跟进,处理好各生产相关事宜,交货货款,后续跟进等一系列工作。熟悉网上销售平台,如阿里巴巴,b2b等电子商务平台。在公司期间表现突出,业绩优秀。


XX年7月--XX年5月 办课外英语辅导班,注重听说读写辅导。辅导对象为中小学生,学生进步很大,之前对英语不感兴趣发展到热爱英语,主动学习英语,并且考试成绩和英语综合运用能力提高显著。

XX年3月--XX年7月 韶关始兴高峰小学六年级2、4班英语教学工作,升中考成绩突出。

XX年5月--XX年1月 加拿大国际教育机构,作为一个英文助教,负责协助外教授课,与外教的教学沟通,协助教学备课,一起研讨教学方法,教具准备。学生管理,课前,课中,课后学生辅导,课堂管理,作业布置和批改。学籍管理。并且每个月能够顺利完成招生任务。还需负责好家长沟通这方面工作,提高家长对我校的认可度和知晓度。在这段工作时间,已经很熟悉并能够熟练运用国外英语教学模式上课,把教学内容与游戏很好的结合起来,课堂活跃轻松,让学生在游戏中学习和激发学习英语的兴趣。 更注重实际运用英语能力的训练。

优秀英文简历 篇四

Name: Sex: Female

Ethnic: Chinese political features: members

Academic qualifications (degree): Undergraduate / Bachelor of Economics Profession: Accounting

Phone: 12345678 mobile: 13901111

Contact Address: Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007 Personal home page:

Educational background

Graduate institutions: the Central University of Finance and the accounting profession 1990.9-1994.9

Business and special

* Certified Public Accountant title, for many years in charge of accounting and accounting experience, familiar with the national financial system and related policies and regulations

* English level 6, I heard that reading and writing proficiency, familiar with Western financial accounting, accounting processing can be conducted in English

* A quick mind, good at analysis of the financial management of modern philosophy

* Proficiency in the use of financial software and other office software

* Cheerful personality, a strong sense of responsibility, have a strong sense of professionalism

Work experience

1997.5 --- Building Group has been in charge of accounting

* The project cost accounting, to the manager, the budget provides the results of cost accounting. Check the difference between costs and budget and variance analysis, the amount of control material

* Regular stock-taking and processing of inventory differences

* Registration of business accounts receivable ledger, matching between internal funds

* All kinds of details submitted statements, including balance sheet, profit and loss account, the cost of the project schedule, managing the cost breakdown, breakdown between internal funds

1996.3 --- 1997.4 AG in charge of accounting

* Registered general ledger, preparation of financial statements

*tax declaration

* Report to the manager of the company on sales, inventory balances, sales analysis

* Control of the management fee expenditure, budget formulation and monitor the implementation of

1994.10 --- 1996.1 Trading Company Accounting

* A week to develop the work plan submitted to the Finance director

* Finishing the custody of the company's various economic contracts, economic contracts in accordance with auditing the effectiveness of various types of expenditure vouchers rationality

* Submit various types of enterprises operating within the required summary, detailed report

* To assist the chief financial officer to deal with other day-to-day business

I character

Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).

Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position!


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