


afraid短语搭配 篇一

So, what are you afraid of?那么你害怕的是什么呢?

Why should we be afraid?我们为什么会害怕?

Yes, I just like you, like to be afraid of.对,我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。

afraid的用法归纳 篇二

be afraid害怕 ; 畏惧 ; 恐怕 ; 恐惧的

You afraid你怕 ; 您担心

afraid of担心 ; 怕了吧 ; 之怕

feel afraid你就不会害怕 ; 觉得害怕 ; 感到害怕

afraid doing害怕做的事情 ; 害怕这样做 ; 怕做

Very afraid非常害怕 ; 非常恐惧

afraid for侧重点表示为 ; 感到担心 ; 害怕失去

Too Afraid太害怕T afraid另类摇滚

英语语法:短语be afraid of,be frightened of的用法 篇三


7、 be afraid of & be frightened of 害怕

异同之处: be afraid of和be frightened of用法一致,of是介词,后面跟让人恐惧或者害怕的人或者事物。同义短语还有be scared of, have a dread of。

例1:Kids should learn not to be afraid of monsters. (2010年12月四级)


结构分析: Kids是主语,should learn是谓语,not to be afraid of monsters是宾语。

例2:The shy boy is frightened of giving a speech in public.


结构分析: The shy boy是主语, is frightened of 是谓语,givinga speech in public是-ing式词组作宾语,其中in public是后置定语。

8、 be famous for & be well-known for 因 …… 而出名

异同之处: be famous for和be well-known for都可以表示因为某个特点、特长等闻名,注意与be famous as的区别,be famous as表示“作为……而出名”。

例1:The professor is famous for a scientific breakthrough in technology.


例2:We all know that France is well-known for Eiffel Tower.


20200319 作业 短语:

be full of & be filled with 充满

异同之处: be full of和befilled with都表示“充满”,但befull of侧重满的状态,而be filled with则侧重装满的动作或东西。

例1:Few startups happen in Miami, for example, because although it’s full of rich people, it has few nerds. (2015年12月四级)


例2:My life experience tells me that love is filled with happiness but it hurts you too. (2014年12月四级)

英语外刊,精读练习: March 16 — The stock market collapsed today. The Dow Jones Industrial Average of stock prices lost nearly 3,000 points in just one day, despite the infusion of several trillion dollars into the market by the Federal Reserve Bank. Several times the market was shut down, but continued to implode once trading began again.【WORKERS WORLD】



afraid用法详解 篇四



Don't be afraid. 别怕。

She is afraid of dogs. 她怕狗。

She is afraid of snakes. 她怕蛇。

He was afraid of nothing. 他什么也不怕。

She was afraid of waking him. 她担心把他吵醒。

She was afraid to see you again. 她怕再次见到你。

1 was afraid to tell you. 我不敢告诉你。

They were afraid to be seen by others. 他们怕被别人看到。

He is afraid he will die. 他害怕他会死。

I was afraid I might hurt your feelings. 我担心我会伤害你的感情。

She was afraid they would recognize her. 她担心他们会认出她来。


I'm afraid that he won't come. 我担心他不会来。

"Is he not coming?" "I am afraid not.(I’m afraid so.)" “他不来吗?”“看来不会(怕是这样)。”

I’m afraid l can’t stay. 恐怕我不能待了。

I’m afraid you don’t see my point. 恐怕你没听懂我的意思。

“Are we late?” “I’m afraid so. ” “我们迟到了吗?”“怕是迟到了。”

I’m afraid I must ask you to leave the country. 对不起我得让你离开这个国家。


1、 通常用作表语,不用于名词前作定语。

2、 是形容词,不是动词,所以可说 Don't be afraid,不可说 Don't afraid。

3、 比较be afraid to do sth 与 be afraid of doing sth:前者表示害怕做某事或不敢做某事,后者有两个意思,一是表示害怕做某事(与be afraid to do sth 同义),二是表示担心会发生某情况(所担心的情况不一定会发生,此时不能与 be afraid to do sth 互换):

I'm afraid to tell[of telling] her. 我不敢告诉她。

I was afraid of hurting her feelings. 我怕伤了她的感情。

高中英语语法:admire、affect、afraid的用法 篇五


admire(= respect / praise)vt.羡慕,钦佩,夸奖

admire sb.(for sth.)佩服某人某事

Visitors to Beijing greatly admire our Palace Museum. 去北京的游人极其羡慕我们的故宫。

I admire him for his wisdom.我佩服他的智慧。 别忘了夸奖孩子。

对比:envy(= jealous)vt.嫉妨,羡慕

envy sb.(sth.)嫉妒/羡慕某人某事 We all envy you your good future. 我们都很羡慕你的好运。


affect(=have an effect on sth.)vt.影响(effect n.影响)

This may affect your health. 这或许会影响你的健康。

My throat is always affected by bad weather.我的嗓子总是受恶劣天气的影响。


1)“be afraid of+名词”,意为“害怕”。

2)“be afraid of doing sth”意为“担心,害怕……”。

3)“be afraid for…”意为“为……担心。”

4)“be afraid that…”意为“担心,恐怕”。

5)“be afraid to do ”意为“害怕,担心而不敢做某事”。

6)I’m afraid so/not.恐怕是这样/恐怕不会这样

英语口语常用句型|I'm afraid 篇六

I'm afraid.。.






A: Excuse me. I'm afraid you're in my seat. You've moved my books.


B: Oh, dear.


A: You must have realized somebody was here.


B: Oh, well, I looked around. There wasn't any other space. I waited a while and nobody came. I'm sorry if I've taken your place.



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